Monday 25 March 2013


Please! contact your doctor before you use this information.

No exercise is as bad as too much exercise. No exercise can result in major health problems, too much exercise can also make a person unhealthy. if a person does not do any exercise he or she would accumulate excess weight (obesity), he or she would have an unhealthy cardiovascular system, weak muscles, low mental concentration and many other adverse health problems. While too much exercise could result, in a worse case to heat stroke ( heat stroke occurs when the body responds to extreme heat which is caused by high body temperature and blockage of sweat pores. heat stroke could also affect people who are over weight). too much exercise can damage muscles.

Its very important to have a balanced exercise program, that does not cause any strain on the body but, makes  fitness pleasurable. it's good to start gradually, making sure that the body adapts to the exercise program. 

The benefit of a balanced exercise is- avoiding the effects caused by both excessive exercise and a lack of exercise. 

thanks for reading

Tuesday 19 March 2013


A healthy way to reduce weight is to eat more fruits and eat less cooked foods. there is a saying ' you are what you eat'.  if one continues eating only cooked foods from year to year, a person will  not be healthy. Why? because cooked foods are dead foods. for example, the raw meat one buys from the market is dead, when one boils it, fries it, or roasts it, any remaining cells that are alive in the meat die. The raw grains (rice, beans, etc) one buys from the market have been processed, and basically they are dead grains, when one boils them, fries them, toast them this kills any living cells remaining.

when one continuously eats cooked foods he or she will lack the correct nutrients the body needs. Whereas, most fruits are fresh and healthy and they help enrich the body with the proper nutrients. in fact, some researchers say that when one eats fruits and cooked foods together, the body tends to digest the fruits first before the cooked foods. People who eat more fruits to cooked foods are observed to be more healthy than people who eat more cooked foods to fruits and the latter are more over weight.

Now I'm not trying to tell people too be vegetarians, I'm only tying to point out the benefits of adding fruits to what one eats. eating more fruits and eating less cooked foods like rice and other cooked foods will not only help one reduce, it will help keep the digestive system healthy flushing out toxins and other harmful substances.

Although, one has to exercise caution, because some fruits may be preserved with dangerous chemicals, some may have absorbed pesticides while they where planted. In any case always buy fruits from a reliable source.

reducing the amount of cooked foods one eats and increasing the amount of fruits one eats may not be easy but as someone told me  ' to have nothing is easy but who wants nothing'. there are a lot of benefits if one can eat more fruits than cooked foods.

thank you for reading.

Saturday 16 March 2013


having a fat belly, is a real problem for many. many are vilified for there protruding bellies, many find their cloths a little too teat at the waist. the question is, can anything be done about it? I belive something can be done.

 A Change Of Attitude
this how I believe one can get a slim belly. it starts with the particular mindset one should have, it starts with looking at the body differently, as someone told me ' you can change your situation by a change of your attitude. And changing one's attitude is accomplished by learning how the  body functions, this will help a lot.

Secret Formula to a slim belly ( block and mop)

This is a simple formula to get a slime belly. think of the body as a flooded room, the first thing to do, to remove the water is to find where the water is coming from and than to block it, than, you can start mopping the water out. To mop the room without finding where the water is coming from will not remove the water.

Similarly, the body is like a room, overeating is the source of the fat being stored in the belly and the fat already stored is the water in the room. the first thing to do is to block or control the amount of  food one eats and to do some light abdominal exercise which is the mopping  ( I will talk about some light, easy abdominal exercise later) .

I believe this is why many weight loss specialists recommend a specific diet and exercise program to help one lose weight. the diet program is to block or control where the fat is coming from and the exercise program is to mop or suck out the fat.

thank you for reading.

Thursday 14 March 2013


Please contact your doctor before you use this information.

Brisk walking or Speed walking
As you know this exercise involves walking. Not just normal walking but, walking fast. this is a low intensity aerobic exercise that can help anyone to be fit, and healthy, especially, if it's done consistently.

Jogging or Slow running
Jogging is a very beneficial aerobic exercise. it involves running at a slow sustained speed for a long time, (this will depend on the runner). the benefits include increased breathing, increased physical agility, endurance and strength  as regards jogging the Encarta encyclopedia states " the average person can derive health benefits from as little as three 20- minutes running workouts a week". So one does not have to jog everyday, just a 20 minute jog three times a week is sufficient.
Today, one does not even have leave his or her house to jog, with inventions like the treadmill one can jog anytime. Please know that jogging should be done properly as one could injure joints and muscles if one does not jog in the proper way.

Sprinting or Speed running
this is a high intensity anaerobic exercise. it involves running very fast for a short period of time. unlike jogging which helps the body take in a lot of oxygen. sprinting is an exercise that makes the body lack oxygen and if the body lacks oxygen it becomes tired. this is the reason why one becomes tired, grasping for air after one runs very fast.
Sprinting has a lot of benefits
1. sprinting helps exercise the heart
2. sprinting helps reduce weight
3. it increases agility and strength

Swimming is another effective exercise that helps one reduce. when one swims he or she works the whole body, with less strain on joints and muscles.
swimming is a very fun activity and if one does not know how to swim he or she can take lessons. swimming is for everyone, but, please know that, for safety reasons, it's advisable  not to swim alone.

Weight is another anaerobic exercise which, involves lifting metal weights. this exercise builds muscles, reduces excess body fat and increases bone density if done correctly.

There are still more aerobic and anaerobic exercises which will be discussed later.

Friday 8 March 2013


Exercise is very important to the health of everyone. But, one may not have time to exercise regularly, work and many other activities may make it difficult for one to exercise . there are a lot of benefits if one could find time to exercise each day.

Machines need proper maintenance to function properly, if not they may break down. Similarly the human body needs proper maintenance to function properly, if not it may break down. And one important way to maintain the body is regular exercise. Below are four benefits of exercising regularly.

Many who live sedentary lifestyles tend to have little physical strength   No exercise from year to year and for YEARS, will have a bad effect on their body. This is coupled with eating the wrong foods which contain toxins, from year to year. over time this toxins build up in the body inhibiting cellular activity, which reduces the strength  of an individual.

Regular exercise helps tone the muscles, the heart, the brain and many vital organs increasing the physical strength of an individual. But, when an individual does not exercise each day, muscles become weak, the heart become weak and the brain of the individual diminishes.
To have increased strength and endurance an individual must exercise regularly.

The heart is one of the most important organs in the body and it's vital that it's kept healthy. regular exercise helps  keep the heart healthy.
the heart is a  hollow muscle organ that pumps blood, oxygen and nutrients to other parts of the body. when an individual exercises regularly the heart gets stronger, and pumps blood easily. If an individual does not exercise regularly his or her heart gets weak over time, which would make it difficult for the heart to pump blood. This could result in constant exhaustion and other heart diseases.

Also, if an individual does not exercise regularly much of the food he or she eats will be converted to fat, this fat could cause heart artery obstruction ( Arteries carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body) preventing blood and oxygen to pass to the rest of the body. this could be compared to opening a water tap and using something to block the water from coming out. A weak heart that  pump blood with difficulty and blocked arteries will result in an unhealthy individual.
whereas, regular exercise will help the heart to be strong  and will burn fat that would block artery. this will make the heart healthy, which would make the individual healthy.

During an exercise session the body takes in a lot of oxygen. this oxygen enters the body, goes to the brain and enriches brain cells, making the brain healthy. An individual that does not exercise regularly, his or her brain will not have an inadequate supply of oxygen, which will mean less oxygen in brain cells. this could result in low concentration.

Regular exercise will help burn excess fat. if one does not exercise , one would become fat which could result in many health problems which include: obesity, heart disease, diabetes, weak immune system and even death.
finally, it's important to exercise regularly, because it has a lot of benefits. it helps increase  strength, it keeps the heart and brain healthy and it removes excess weight, increasing the lifespan of an individual. Although it's not always easy to exercise. Even those who exercise regularly will say it's not easy, But, as stated earlier there are a lot of benefits.

thank you for reading.